Monday, January 19, 2009

MLK National Day of Service

I'm usually not one to greet people like this but, today I feel compelled so Happy Martin Luther King Day! I've not had a chance to catch up on all the weekend's festivities in DC for the inauguration on Tuesday, but I did catch in AT, that today the incoming administration is call for a day of service. What an important message. Service, especially for people who you would not normally hang with, like kids, the homeless, or elderly, really grounds a person and makes one realize that the world is so much bigger than you. It's kind of the feeling I get when I'm traveling. All the fuss seems to melt away because you add perspective. I'm scheduled to cook a meal at the DWC on Wednesday night as aprt of the Cooking Club. Besides volunteering, my other motive is to just learn more in the kitchen. Just working it for me too!

"The greatest Among you shall be your Servant" - Martin Luther King


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